The “kheima,” a traditional tent commonly found in the desert regions of North Africa, including Mauritania, embodies both practicality and cultural significance. Crafted meticulously from natural materials such as goat hair, wool, and leather, the kheima is an indispensable element of the nomadic lifestyle, providing shelter and protection against the harsh elements of the desert environment.

Characterized by its distinctive point-shaped structure, the kheima offers respite from the scorching heat during the day and the chilly nights in the desert. Its ingenious design allows for easy assembly and disassembly, essential for the mobility required by nomadic communities.

Inside, the kheima exudes a warm and inviting atmosphere, often adorned with vibrant carpets, cushions, and intricate textiles. The layout is thoughtfully arranged, with separate areas designated for sleeping, dining, and socializing.

Beyond its practical functions, the kheima holds deep cultural significance as a symbol of community and tradition. It serves as a gathering place where stories are shared, tea is brewed, and hospitality is extended to travelers and visitors alike. As a living testament to the nomadic way of life, the kheima embodies the resilience, resourcefulness, and rich cultural heritage of the desert-dwelling peoples.

In Mauritania, 70% of the population consists of “white” Moors of Arabo-Berber origin. The remaining 30% are “black” Moors, former Arabic-speaking slaves of African descent.