The Lemtouni Triq was one of the caravan routes that connected Morocco with Mauritania and subsequently Mali.

The Lemtouna originated from the Sanhadja confederation. They occupied a region stretching from the Sous, Anti-Atlas, and Oued Noun to Adrar, in what is now Mauritania. They made their mark on history by forming the Almoravid dynasty, which ruled a significant portion of the Maghreb, from the Western Sahara to Andalusia, between 1040 and 1147.

This stage ends in the regions of Oued Noun and Tiznit, where you will encounter the renowned jewelry of Tiznit and the Guédra dance.

Detail of the Catalan Atlas from the 14th century attributed to Abraham Cresques.
The Strait of Gibraltar. On the right, the king of Mali Kanga Moussa. © National Library, Paris, France
Guedra encompasses various aspects of a traditional dance specific to Southern Morocco, Mauritania, and Algeria. The term “Guedra” primarily refers to a cooking pot. When this pot is covered with a stretched leather skin to create a drum, the drum itself is also called Guedra. The rhythmic beat produced by the drummer, which mimics a heartbeat, is known as Guedra as well. The dance movements performed in response to this beat, with dancers remaining on their knees throughout, are referred to as Guedra, and the dancer is also called Guedra.
During the performance, dancers are often draped in fine fabric veils but are heavily adorned beneath with henna, jewelry, and elaborate headpieces. The dance is typically performed in nomadic tents, with women remaining on their knees for much of the performance.